A&BC Chewing Gum checklists

A&BC Chewing Gum began producing annual English football cards for the 1958/59 season, but at that time there were no checklist cards. Checklist cards began with the following season, 1959/60 and continued through to the last set of cards in 1974/75, with the exception of the 1961/62 set of 64 and the 1967/68 Star Players set of 55. This gallery aims to show these checklist cards, and any variants.

1959/60 Footballer (Football Quiz)

When A&BC produced their first ever football cards checklist they kept things simple. A set of 98 cards, neatly divided into two series, 1 to 49 and 50 to 98, and used cards 49 and 98 as checklists. Job done!

Card 49. Series 1 checklist frontCard 49. Series 1 checklist (1-49) back
Card 98. Series 2 checklist frontCard 98. Series 2 checklist (50-98) back

1960/61 Footballer (Black backs)

When you are onto a good thing, stick to it. A set of 84 cards, two equal series, with the checklists being the last cards of each series. Why ever change?

Card 42. Series 1 checklist frontCard 42. Series 1 checklist (1-42) back
Card 84. Series 2 checklist frontCard 84. Series 2 checklist (43-84) back

1962/63 Footballer (Bazooka)

In 1961/62 A&BC moved from colour to black and white photos, and reduced the number of cards in the set to 64. I’m not aware that the cards were issued in two series, and there were no checklists. The following season they moved back to colour photos and an 82 card set, with two checklists, but it is not clear whether this set was issued as two series. To perhaps reinforce this confusion, the checklists (Cards 81 and 82) are identical, both listing players from cards 1 to 82.

Card 81. Series 1 checklist frontCard 81. Series 1 checklist (1-82) back
Card 82. Series 2 checklist front Card 82. Series 2 checklist (1-82) back

1963/64 Footballer (Make-a-Photo)

In 1963/64 A&BC increased the size of the set to 110 cards, and went back to the idea of two series. However, there are two versions of the Series 2 checklist, one having the Everton checklist card as number 105 (with a checklist to 105) and another with the checklist card as 110 (and a checklist to 110). The set is known to have 110 cards, and the 110 card checklist has ‘English Series No. 2 revised’, indicating a change.

Card 55. Series 1 checklist frontCard 55. Series 1 checklist (1-55) back
Card 105. Series 2 checklist front Card 105. Series 2 checklist (56-105) back
Card 110. Series 2 revised checklist front Card 110. Series 2 revised checklist (56-110) back

1964/65 Footballer (Bazooka)

A&BC go to a 149 card set, with three checklists, although the three series were of different sizes i.e. 58, 45 and 46 cards respectively.

Card 58. Series 1 checklist front Card 58. Series 1 checklist (1-58) back

Card 103. Series 2 checklist front Card 103. Series 2 checklist (59-103) back
Card 149. Series 3 checklist frontCard 149. Series 3 checklist (104-149) back

1966/67 Footballer (colour pairs)

A&BC went a bit crazy in the mid-60s, going away from the established size and design of their cards to small pairs. They also introduced a vast number of checklist cards, as you can see below. It led to the slightly ridiculous situation where you had checklist cards listing checklist cards! Fortunately for collectors it only lasted one year before the concept was tossed.

Card 107 Front and Card 108 FrontCard 109 Front and Card 110 Front
Card 103 Front and Card 104 FrontCard 105 Front and Card 106 Front
Card 108. Checklist (33-48) back Card 107. Checklist (49-64) Back Card 110. Checklist (1-16) back Card 109. Checklist (17-32) back
Card 104. Checklist (97-110) back Card 103. Checklist (111-125) backCard 106. Checklist (65-80) back Card 105. Checklist (81-96) back
Card 216 Front and Card 215 FrontCard 214 Front and Card 213 Front
Card 220 Front and Card 219 FrontCard 218 Front and Card 217 Front
Card 215. Checklist (150-161) back Card 216. Checklist (162-173) backCard 213. Checklist (126-137) back Card 214. Checklist (138-149) back
Card 219. Checklist (198-209) back Card 220. Checklist (210-220) backCard 217. Checklist (174-185) back Card 218. Checklist (186-197) back

1968/69 Footballer (Yellow backs)

The yellow backs set came with two checklists. Perhaps life was simpler back then, and perhaps also because this was a small set (101 cards), there are no known errors or variants of the checklists for this set. Interestingly, the checklists are now numbered at the start of each Series i.e. cards 1 and 55.

Card 1. Series 1 checklist front Card 1. Series 1 checklist (1-54) back
Card 55. Series 2 checklist front Card 55. Series 2 checklist (55-101) back

1969/70 Footballer (Green backs)

The green backs set came with three unnumbered checklists. The series 2 checklist is strange in that it came in a version with player and team names (as in Series 1), to be replaced by a slightly different checklist (three different players) without the team names. The first version is known as the Series 2, 4-column checklist, and the second as the 5-column checklist. The three player cards listed on the 4-column checklist but not on the 5-column were not issued.

Series 1 checklist frontSeries 1 checklist (1-64) back
Series 2 checklist front Series 2 checklist (65-117) 4-column back
Series 2 checklist frontSeries 2 checklist (65-117) 5-column back
Series 3 checklist frontSeries 3 checklist (117-170) back

1970/71 Footballer (Orange backs)

The orange backs set came with three checklists. The series 2 checklist has a numbering sequence error for cards 144 to 160. The cards on the checklist from 144 to 159 are numbered one less than the actual cards i.e. Peter Dobing is listed as card 155 on the checklist, but is issued as card 156. The Series 3 checklist has two versions, one listing to card 255, the other to 256. The cards listed on the 256 version are the ones issued, with the exception of card 256 (Check List III) which was not issued.

Card 84. Series 1 checklist frontCard 84. Series 1 checklist (1-85) back
Card 85. Series 2 checklist frontCard 85. Series 2 checklist (86-170) back
Card 170. Series 3 checklist front Card 170. Series 3 checklist (171-255) back
Card 170. Series 3 checklist front Card 170. Series 3 checklist (171-256) back

1971/72 Footballer (Purple backs)

The purple backs set came with three checklists, and incorporated a new design where the checklist was also on the front of the cards, replacing the previous images. The series 2 checklist is riddled with errors i.e. there are many cards listed on the checklist which differ from the cards actually issued. A&BC issued a Series 3 checklist with cards listed to 293, then later issued a ‘New checklist’ with cards to 290 and another with cards to 291. The Series 3 checklist to 291 is the same checklist as printed on the back cover of the Footballer Stamp Album issued to store the Club Crests and Superstar stamps. The actual cards issued number only to 290.

Card 57. Series 1 checklist (1-44) front Card 57. Series 1 checklist (45-109) back
Card 170. Series 2 checklist (110-153) frontCard 170. Series 2 checklist (154-219) back
Card 277. Series 3 checklist (220-263) frontCard 277. Series 3 checklist (264-293) back
Card 277. Series 3 new checklist (220-263) frontCard 277. Series 3 checklist (264-293) back
Card 277. Series 3 new checklist (220-263) frontCard 277. Series 3 new checklist (264-291) back

1972/73 Footballer (Orange/red backs)

The Orange/red backs came in two series with cards up to 219, although the initially issued Series 2 checklist only listed cards up to 218. A later checklist was issued with ‘Revised checklist’ clearly marked and a total of fourteen different players. The cards listed on the initial Series 2 checklist and not on the revised checklist were not issued e.g. 112 Terry Dolan.

Card 45. Series 1 checklist (1-44) frontCard 45. Series 1 checklist (45-109) front
Card 154. Series 2 checklist (110 – 153) frontCard 154. Series 2 checklist (154 – 218) back
Card 154. Series 2 revised checklist (110 – 153) frontCard 154. Series 2 revised checklist (154 – 219) back

1973/74 Footballer (Blue backs)

The Blue backs came in two series with cards up to 261, with a variant checklist card 182. The variant card lists cards up to 264, though cards 262 and 264 are not known to exist. Card 263 does exist, though card 235 doesn’t. There are a number of differences between the players listed on the two checklist 182 cards, with the 261 version being correct (except for Marvin Hinton being 263 not 235).

Card 36. Series One checklist (1-44) frontCard 36. Series One checklist (45-131) back
Card 182. Series Two checklist(132-175) frontCard 182. Series Two checklist (176-261) back
Card 182. Series Two checklist(132-175) frontCard 182. Series Two checklist (176-264) back

1973/74 Footballer (Blue backs)

An era was coming to an end. As described in detail on another page of this website, A&BC could not complete their 1974/75 series. Following a costly trial and then a factory fire, they went out of business in the autumn. Consequently, only a single checklist was made for this final set of 132 cards

Card 13. Checklist (1-56) frontCard 13. Checklist (57-132) back