The existence of their first set of collectable stickers in England in 1967/68 is still subject to some conjecture. There is a story that the stickers were issued ‘in the North East of England’ only, as a trial, but Greg has contacted this website to advise that he collected them from his home town in Nottinghamshire. What is known about this set is that the stickers were very basic, with the club name and player name only on the back. The spaces in the album are also blank i.e. there are no player biographies on either the stickers or in the album. There were also no instructions about what to do with the stickers, so most children stuck them into the spaces in the album, gluing the whole of the back of the stickers, making them almost impossible to remove without serious damage to the stickers (as opposed to the later editions, which provide instructions to glue only the tops of the stickers).
Pictured below is what is thought to be a packet for the 1967/68 FKS stickers. It has been very kindly supplied by Barry from London who has been on the hunt for it for some time, but I also own one of these so can confirm the size. Barry has provided a scan of the 1967/68 packet alongside a 1968/69 packet, both to scale, which shows you that the 1967/68 packet was significantly larger, though using the same text and image. The images of the backs of the packets also show that in moving from 1967/68 to 1968/69 FKS decided to reduce the number of stickers (which at the time they called stamps), from 8 to 7 per packet.
Very little else changed between the 1967/68 and 1968/69 issues. The album covers were identical (except for the different years), and most of the sticker images remained the same (except for a few transfers which were reflected in the stickers). Fulham and Sheffield United were included in the 1967/68 set, but were replaced by Ipswich Town and Q.P.R. in the 1968/69 edition, representing the teams relegated from the First Division and promoted from the Second Division at the end of the 1967/68 season.
So, while there is nothing on this packet which tells us that it is from the 1967/68 FKS issue, it is plausible. If you have any views on this FKS packet, either to confirm or deny the suggestion, please drop me a line here.