Palitoy was a British toy company, formed in 1919, though not named Palitoy until 1935. In 1968 the company was sold to US General Mills, who retained the name for some toys.
Top Teams
In the 1970s Palitoy, through Parker, sold a football game called Super Striker. In the 1980s they updated this game with an ‘All Star’ Striker game. You could buy Team Sets for this game for Arsenal, Aston Villa, Everton, Leeds United, Liverpool, Manchester City, Nottingham Forest and Tottenham Hotspur.
Around 1979 Palitoy produced a football card game named Top Teams for which you could buy team packs for Arsenal, Aston Villa, Everton, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Nottingham Forest and Tottenham Hotspur. Each pack contained 11 named player cards, and was designed to look like a briefcase. The advert is from Roy of the Rovers magazine, and picture of advert is from Alan Jenkins’ site.
Number in set: 88 player cards, plus game cards
Galleries: Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur
Checklists: Manchester United